Alternatives to Elitetorrent 2020, the best torrent websites
EliteTorrent has been the benchmark in torrent downloads for a long time. But it has never been the only option and, now that it is blocked in many countries – and for a long time – the truth is that we have a wide variety of alternatives to EliteTorrent . It is true that the web appears and disappears, but it doesn’t hurt to have alternatives on hand. And no, there is nothing to fear because the availability of links reaches their level, or even exceeds it, and their quality is also perfectly up to the task. But what are the most complete websites, and the best in this ‘niche’ of the Internet?
There are websites dedicated to torrent that have not ceased to exist, but have ceased to be available to users who connect to the Internet from Spain. Although it is easy to skip blocking a website , not all users know how to do it. In addition, when a portal of this type is blocked, it is normal for the number of users to decrease significantly and, as their community decreases, the upload of torrent links also decreases. Be that as it may, as we mentioned, there is a wide variety of alternatives to EliteTorrent for users who are looking for them, and it is worth taking a look.
Entering EliteTorrent in 2020: What is the good domain of the web?
A simple search on Google or DuckDuckGo shows us that there are several web pages that claim to be EliteTorrent. We must exercise extreme caution when visiting them, since many are a nest of malware that only seeks to infect our PC or mobile. A trick to know if we are facing a legitimate website is to check if downloading a torrent we download a .torrent file (normal) or a .zip that hides files with “dangerous” extensions such as .vbs. We should not execute the latter under any circumstances.
Until now, was the official and active domain of the download portal. This came as a substitute for which had been working until now. This in turn came to replace, then and then The crusade against the most popular download portal continues and it will not be the last domain change that we have to tell.
However, during the third weekend of February 2020, a new domain had to be enabled to access EliteTorrent. In this case, automatically redirects us to, which right now we can consider the official domain. The previous one lasted a few days, so it is possible that we will soon have news about it.
In March, a domain in the form of was enabled. What’s more, all of the above redirect to that domain which, at the moment, should be considered the official EliteTorrent and the best option to enter 2020.
Alternatives to EliteTorrent in 2020 to download
The Pirate Bay
The Pirate Bay is, as we said before, always in the lead despite the passing of the years. Again, a portal with a huge community of users who download, and also users who share. There are torrent links of all types and, once again, the search engine is well adjusted so that we can easily find what we are looking for. In addition, once we have made a search we have a wide variety of filters to adjust it even more.
In this case, access becomes more complicated and especially in Spain. Although it is available internationally, The Pirate Bay’s main domain is blocked from our country, by telecommunications operators. The solution, to be able to access, is to use one of its several proxies that are available in various countries, or adjust the DNS settings, for example, to Google’s DNS.
ExtraTorrent was one of the best alternatives to EliteTorrent for some time. But it was no longer available and, shortly after, the same creators opened ETTV. It has an operation similar to that of Kickass and The Pirate Bay, with a search engine and a series of filters to simplify the location of any type of link. Now, the community behind this torrent site is not the same, so neither is the availability of files.

If what we want is to find torrents, to download with a program , then this is another option more than the several that we have available. And even more so if we want a web portal of torrents of all kinds. But if we want something focused on multimedia, and we prefer that the content be mostly in Spanish, there are other options that are better and that we will tell you below.
BestTorrent is not the best alternative to EliteTorrent by definition. It is not the one with the highest availability of links and, at the usability level, it is not the best option that we have compiled in this report. But it has a point in its favor with respect to most of those that we have governed, and that is that the contents are in Spanish. Furthermore, these contents focus on multimedia, which makes it easier for us to find what we are looking for.
Although it is not the best option for file availability, if what we want is multimedia content, and only in Spanish, it may be the best alternative to EliteTorrent for us. Or simply, an option to consider to complement the rest of those we have collected in this article.
If with the previous one we focused on multimedia content in Spanish, with this other alternative to EliteTorrent we return to something broader. Again, content mostly in English, but also with options in Spanish and, without a doubt, a wide variety of content options dubbed in Spanish. Access is blocked for users of some telecommunications operators, but not for all.

It is very popular around the world, so once again in Torrentz2 the availability of torrent downloads is really wide. But, once again, if we only search for multimedia content in Spanish, this is not the best option that we will find among the wide variety of alternatives to EliteTorrent.
Popcorn Time
Popcorn Time is not an alternative to EliteTorrent as such, because the format of that torrent website was very different. However, it is an alternative as it allows us to access multimedia content in Spanish of all types. But in this case in the form of software, and obtaining the sources of torrents in other ways. Without a doubt, it is one of the ‘must haves’ within this type of content source, and with a really good interface.

RARBG is not a site in Spanish, nor does it have all of its content in Spanish – far from it – but it does have the latest. If you’re looking for the newest torrents, from almost any type of content, this is probably the best EliteTorrent alternative you can find. In addition, it has lists with the ‘top 10’ of each type of content that help us find new downloads.

At RARBG, like many web pages of this type, we have a side menu where we can navigate between the different sections. Each of these sections, how could it be otherwise, corresponds to a different type of content. And in the upper bar is where we can find the list with the most downloaded contents, and access to the lists generating torrent downloads.
What if I search for eBooks? In Torlock you have series and movies of all kinds so yes, it is a valid alternative to EliteTorrent like all the previous ones. In addition to that, it also has a very wide variety of content around anime. And as for navigation, it is an intuitive site, well organized and also with a list of the 100 torrents that have been downloaded the most.

In short, although it does not have content only in Spanish, nor is it the best audiovisual content torrent site, it is one more alternative for those who want other types of content. It is one of those torrent sites that work wonderfully as a complement to the largest ones, which we also refer to in this article.
YTS focuses on movies, but in a rather unique way. Movie torrents are collected only in the highest possible quality – from HD, whenever available – and only in the lightest version. In this way we save torrent links searches with good quality and that do not sacrifice a large amount of our storage space. Obviously, his specialty is movies, although we can also find other types of links easily.

On the cover itself they already suggest the most popular links, and all in a very visual and intuitive way to simplify the search. Below, as if it were a catalog, we have available the most recent torrent that have been uploaded to the web portal.
On torrent sites, one of the most important things is the user community around the website. Especially from uploaders. Because, if there are not a good number of uploaders, and they are not active, the availability of links will be very limited. In this case, we are dealing with a relatively young website, but which has managed to position itself as an alternative to EliteTorrent due to its good organization.

We have television sections – series – and films on the cover and, in addition, with the essential information. All the contents appear with their corresponding cover and, once again, the ‘bad’ thing is that finding content in Spanish is somewhat complicated. Most of the content is available in English.
Search engine that gives us access to thousands of content organized by movies, television, games, music, applications, anime, documentaries, others, and adult content.

The website itself tells us to use the domain ending in .gd as an alternative if the .to domain does not work.
Torrent Project
This metasearch engine currently indexes 10.229.4 billion torrent files, so it is quite likely that we will find what we are looking for.

Super simple, clean and fast appearance for one of the alternatives to EliteTorrent.
Another survivor that offers us a search engine, in addition to categories of movies, series, music, games, applications, anime and others.

Although advertised as, we actually have it available at This is common in these pages that play cat and mouse to stay “alive.”
Torrent paradise
We finish with the torrent search engine that also offers us a section with the 100 most popular, ideal for detecting fads and trends.

Don Torrent
If we are looking for content in Spanish or Spanish, be it movies, series, documentaries or anime, one of the best options of the moment is Don Torrent. Unlike other websites with more recognized names, it does not hide any type of script or download malware.

Learn about other alternatives among the best torrent sites in the world.
Use a VPN to access or Tor Browser
Many of these domains may be blocked in Spain or other countries by various court decisions. For this reason, it is recommended to use a VPN to bypass the block and gain access to the domains. As an alternative, we have the possibility of installing Tor Browser , the browser to enter the Deep Web and Dark Web, but which also allows us to access without problem all these domains that have been blocked.