5 Digital Technology Trends in 2021
The world has been forced to adapt to new ways of working and communicating because of the pandemic. And to overcome this the use of digital technology trends was essential, as a recent studies indicates in just eight weeks we have advanced five years in digital adoption.
Making predictions or talking about a post-coronavirus future right now might sound very speculative, 2020 was a game-changing year and it will continue to do so.
The coronavirus pandemic accelerated the adoption of technological trends and in the following year we will witness how organizations will integrate the use of these to manage the crisis and prepare for an eventual recovery; It will be an important year where digital technologies will play an important role in overcoming some challenges that the world is currently facing, for example, remote work through new forms of interaction in public spaces.
Here is a list of 5 most important digital technology trends that will play an important role in 2021 for the recovery of organizations.
Digital Technology Trends
The Value of Artificial Intelligence
Without a doubt, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is one of the biggest trends of the moment, as we mentioned in our blog last year, it is the base tool to improve the customer experience, improve services, facilitate the search and management of the information.
By 2021, artificial intelligence will become a valuable tool for organizations, helping them to interpret and understand the post-coronavirus world.
In the health sector, artificial intelligence will be the great ally. The volume of data that is currently being collected on health, viruses, and measures to prevent COVID-19 infections will continue to increase. AI will help predict demand for services in hospitals and other providers, helping managers make better decisions about when and where to allocate resources.
In business, the challenge is to understand changing patterns in consumer behavior since most human activity will take place online – from shopping to socializing to remote work, meetings and recruiting. During 2021 we can expect the AI tools that organizations use to analyze this behavior and become more sophisticated.

The As-A-Service Revolution
It is the key that has made the other trends we have talked about available to anyone. It is the reason why AI and robotics are a possibility for any business or organization, regardless of size or budget.
As the ongoing pandemic rages around the world, we have clearly seen that companies that put their trust in the cloud to provide scalable as-a-service solutions are thriving. Let’s take platforms like Zoom or Microsoft Teams that quickly became a very popular name during the pandemic thanks to the speed of response to provide solutions, add servers, increase their coverage and quality of service. This was due to its cloud-based nature and its partnerships with its own service providers, which were able to rapidly increase capacity to meet demand. In 2021 and beyond, this will take on greater importance and new possibilities will open up for everyone.
Year of 5G
We have heard about the benefits of 5G, but it has been until remote work and digital collaboration have become central parts of our lives. This year there was truly a need for reliable connectivity and higher bandwidth.
Businesses cannot afford to be disconnected and 5G deployments have become a vital part of the solution. As we collectively continue to work and run the school from our homes, the value of 5G will become increasingly common in 2021.

Cyeber Security Does Not Lose Relevance
As we mentioned, last year Cybersecurity is one of the most important issues in the current technological panorama and it will continue to be so in the coming years, since it has a transversal influence on any sector.
With the pandemic, cybersecurity has once again taken on greater relevance. Hackers have exploited the coronavirus pandemic, such is the case of the University of California in San Francisco paying more than a million dollars for stolen data.
Only from January to April, according to VMware Carbon Black of 2020, there was a 238% increase in attacks on banks and a 600% increase in attacks on servers in the cloud.
With fewer employees working on site with secure network, it is imperative that companies strengthen their networks and update their cybersecurity strategies.
Virtual Reality Will Be Key
This technology will play an important role during 2021, because they simulate real life as much as possible without the risk of interaction. This can be extremely useful for situations where interactions must take place, such as schools or for those in medical fields. Virtual reality also allows humans to practice situations for training purposes that would never be possible, such as surgeons who practice virtual surgery.
With a global pandemic, a return to normalcy may take a little longer to arrive, the world will never go back to the way it was before. The pandemic has shown us how life can work virtually. With new technology, it will be interesting to see how organizations adapt to this new normal. As we all continue to work from home and try to figure out how to end this pandemic, digital technologies will only continue to advance.